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Joomla! 2.5 Essential Training - Lynda.com

Joomla 2.5 Essential Training

In Joomla! 2.5 Essential Training, Jen Kramer uses Joomla! to build a web site from scratch—no programming required—and guides site designers through the process, from installation to launch. The course demonstrates how to create and organize content; add menus, sidebars, and other features; change the look with templates; install plug-ins and extensions; assign specific users to create and edit content; and much more. Jen also shows how to evaluate the quality of third-party extensions and templates and how to download and install them, and emphasizes the importance of backups for your Joomla! site, with details on creating and storing those backups.


  • Welcome
  • Using the exercise files
  • Understanding Joomla!
  • Planning a web site
  • Understanding Joomla's release cycle and its versions
1. Installing Joomla!

  • Understanding the installation process
  • Running Joomla! locally vs. running Joomla! on a web hos
  • Web hosting overvie
  • Installing Joomla! 2. 5
  • Restoring the site from a backup (the jump-in files)
2. A General Overview of Joomla!

  • A quick tour of the Joomla! interface
  • Modifying the Global Configuration
  • Using the Media Manager
  • Creating content in Joomla!
3. Creating Categories

  • Creating categories for a site
  • Modifying categories
4. Creating Articles and Basic Formatting

  • Creating individual articles
  • Formatting articles
  • Adding an external link
  • Adding article images
  • Using Read More
  • Adding articles to the featured page
  • Deleting and restoring articles
5. Creating Menus for Your Site

  • Understanding and configuring menus
  • Linking an article to the menu
  • Understanding parent and child menu items
  • Configuring category blogs
  • Advanced category blog configuration
  • Configuring category lists
  • Advanced category list configuration
  • Creating a featured blog for news
  • Formatting the homepage
  • Deleting menu items
  • Configuring submenus
  • Creating a new menu and displaying it on the site
6. Advanced Article Formatting

  • Installing and using the Joomla! Content Editor (JCE)
  • Adding an internal link
  • Linking to a PDF or other document
  • Dividing and formatting long articles using page breaks and the Pagebreak plug-in
  • Customizing which HTML tags are permitted by changing the text filter in Joomla!
  • Customizing JCE's interface for specific user groups
  • Adding a YouTube video to an article
  • Using article-specific images and links
7. Setting Display Options

  • Working with global article options, specific article options, and menu options: Which wins when?
  • Setting menu options
  • Setting individual article options
  • Comparing page headings, article titles, and browser page titles
  • Turning off the homepage heading
  • Setting individual article configuration options
8. Using Modules

  • Configuring modules
  • Creating a custom HTML module
  • Assigning a module to the site
  • Creating a breadcrumb module
  • Creating a random image module
  • Creating a newsflash module on the homepage
  • Adding a Twitter feed
  • Including a module in an article using loadposition
9. Using Components

  • Using the content component
  • Using the contact component
  • Configuring CAPTCHA for a form
  • Creating a contact list
  • Using the web links component
  • Using the redirect component
  • Exploring search and the Finder in Joomla! 2.5
10. Using Templates

  • Changing the look of the site using templates
  • Setting the default template style and assigning template styles
  • Creating new template styles
  • Adjusting template masters with the HTML and CSS editors
  • Changing the admin template
  • Exploring Joomla! templates from third-party providers
11. Creating a Web Site with Multiple Languages

  • Overview of configuring a multilanguage site
  • Downloading and installing the French language pack
  • Creating the French content language
  • Adjusting category structures for multiple languages
  • Creating French language categories and articles
  • Creating the English menu and a universal homepage
  • Creating the French menu
  • Changing the menu modules on the site
  • Creating French and English template styles
  • Creating the language switcher module
  • Enabling the language filter system plug-in
  • Configuring menu item associations
  • Exploring language overrides
12. ACL Essentials

  • Introduction to access control lists (ACL)
  • Exploring Joomla's default user groups and permissions
  • Creating a user
  • Exploring the default access levels
  • Configuring content for ACL
  • Configuring user registration
  • Configuring the login box
  • Allowing users to modify user details
  • Extending user profiles
  • Using user notes
13. Extending Joomla!

  • Evaluating extensions in the Joomla! Extensions Directory
  • Installing Akeeba Backup
  • Creating a backup with Akeeba Backup
  • Creating a site map with XMap
14. Launching Your Site and Beyond 

  • Launching your site
  • Create a mobile version of a site with Mobile Joomla!
  • Placing a site in offline mode and changing the offline image
  • Thinking about site maintenance and front-end editing
  • Exploring the Joomla! update notification and extension update notification icons
  • Exploring additional Joomla! resources and opportunities to participate

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Joomla 2.5 Essential Training - Lynda.com

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