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Lynda.com jQuery Essential Training

Table of Content

  • Introduction
    • Welcome
    • Using the exercise files
  • Overview of jQuery
    • What is jQuery?
    • Downloading and installing jQuery
    • Creating a simple jQuery-enabled page
    • Overview of jQuery's features
  • Retrieving Page Content
    • Overview of selectors and filters
    • Using basic jQuery selectors
    • Using basic jQuery filters
    • Using jQuery attribute filters
    • Child, visibility, and content filters
    • Form selectors and filters
    • Traversing documents
    • Understanding jQuery statement chaining
    • Practical example 1: Annotating page links
  • Manipulating Page Content
    • Creating, getting, and setting content
    • Manipulating attributes
    • Inserting content
    • Wrapping, replacing, and removing content
    • Working with CSS
    • Practical example 2: Automatic TOC generator
  • Working with Events
    • Understanding the jQuery event handling features
    • Binding and unbinding events
    • Convenient event helper methods
    • Using the jQuery event object
    • Using miscellaneous event features
    • Practical example 3: Table striping and highlighting
  • jQuery Animations and Effects
    • Hiding and showing elements
    • Fading elements in and out
    • Sliding elements
    • Creating custom animations
    • Practical example 4: Image rotator
  • Using the jQuery UI Plug-In
    • Introduction to jQuery UI
    • Exploring the jQuery UI widgets
    • Exploring the jQuery UI effects
    • Using the jQuery UI ThemeRoller
    • Downloading and installing jQuery UI
  • Putting It All Together
    • Overview of the sample web site
    • Using the accordion widget
    • Creating an image rotator
    • Building hover tooltips
    • Making an image selector
    • Using the Resizable effect
  • Conclusion
    • Goodbye

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