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Lynda.com AJAX Essential Training

Table of Content

  • Introduction 13m 43s
    • Welcome 
    • Exercise files
    • Understanding AJAX
    • Understanding what AJAX is not
    • Overview
  • Developer Essentials
    • Understanding the development workflow
    • Selecting the right tools for the job
    • Customizing Firefox for AJAX development
    • Configuring Apache on Mac OS X
    • Installing WAMP on Windows Vista
    • HTML, CSS, and JavaScript prerequisites
  • Understanding the DOM and XML Formats
    • Understanding the DOM format
    • Exploring the DOM with Firefox
    • Using JavaScript to manipulate the DOM
    • Looking at XML and the DOM
  • Understanding XML HTTP Requests
    • Understanding HTTP requests
    • Understanding the XHR object
    • Understanding XHR states
    • Using XHR content
    • Understanding XHR responses
    • Understanding XHR security limitations
  • Previewing Links with AJAX 23m 31s
    • Understanding the project overview
    • Modifying a static HTML and CSS site
    • Adding the JavaScript
    • Reusing the code
  • Creating Dynamic Forms
    • Understanding the project overview
    • Modifying a static HTML and CSS form
    • Adding an XML file
    • Adding AJAX
    • Adding JavaScript
    • Testing the results
    • Reusing the code
  • Creating Dynamic Maps
    • Understanding the project overview
    • Creating an HTML file
    • Modifying the CSS
    • Creating positioned divs with Dreamweaver
    • Describing the XML page
    • Adding AJAX
    • Adding more JavaScript
    • Testing the results
  • Understanding AJAX Frameworks
    • Understanding the framework
    • Getting and exploring the Yahoo! UI framework
    • Exploring YUI framework examples
    • Understanding the YUI framework documentation
  • Using the YUI Animation Widget
    • Understanding the widget
    • Getting an XML file from Flickr
    • Creating an HTML page
    • Creating the CSS file
    • Creating the JavaScript
    • Testing the results
  • Closing
    • Additional Resources
    • Goodbye

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