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Lynda.com Dreamweaver CS5 Essential Training

table of contents
  • Introduction
    • Welcome
    • Using the exercise files
  • Getting Started
    • What is Dreamweaver?
    • Learning web design
    • Current web standards
  • The Dreamweaver Interface
    • The Welcome screen
    • Windows and Mac interface differences
    • The Application toolbar
    • The Document toolbar
    • Arranging panels
    • Managing workspaces
    • The Properties Inspector
    • The Insert panel
  • Site Control
    • Basic site structure
    • File naming conventions
    • Defining a new site
    • Managing sites
    • Managing files and folders
    • Working with browsers
  • Creating New Documents
    • Creating new documents
    • New document preferences
    • Setting accessibility preferences
    • Working with starter pages
    • Managing starter pages
  • Adding Text and Structure
    • Basic tag structure
    • Adding structure to text
    • Creating lists
    • Getting text into Dreamweaver
    • Importing Word documents
  • CSS Foundations
    • Understanding style sheets
    • The anatomy of a CSS rule
    • Setting CSS preferences
    • The CSS Styles panel
    • Controlling CSS through the Properties Inspector
    • Using the Code Navigator
    • Using CSS Enable
    • Understanding element selectors
    • Understanding class selectors
    • Understanding ID selectors
    • Understanding descendant selectors
    • Attaching external style sheets
  • Controlling Typography
    • Working with units of measurement
    • Declaring font families
    • Controlling font sizing
    • Controlling weight and style
    • Controlling line height
    • Controlling vertical spacing with margins
    • Controlling spacing with padding
    • Aligning text
    • Transforming text
    • Writing global styles
    • Writing targeted styles
  • Working with Images
    • Understanding image types
    • Managing assets in Dreamweaver
    • Setting image accessibility preferences
    • Setting external image editing preferences
    • Placing images on the page
    • Photoshop integration
    • Modifying Smart Objects
    • Alternate Photoshop workflows
    • Modifying image properties
    • Styling images with CSS
    • Using background graphics
    • Positioning background graphics
  • Creating Links
    • Link basics
    • Setting site linking preferences
    • Creating links in Dreamweaver
    • Absolute links
    • Using named anchors
    • Linking to named anchors in external files
    • Creating an email link
    • Creating CSS-based rollovers
  • Controlling Layout with CSS
    • CSS structuring basics
    • The Box Model
    • Understanding floats
    • Clearing and containing floats
    • Using relative positioning
    • Using absolute positioning
    • Creating structure with div tags
    • Styling basic structure
    • Creating a two-column layout
    • Using Live View and CSS Inspect
    • Using Browser Lab
  • Working with Tables
    • Reviewing table structure
    • Importing tabular data
    • Creating accessible tables
    • Using thead and tbody tags
    • Basic table styling
    • Styling table headers
    • Styling column groups
    • Creating custom table borders
    • Styling table captions
  • Working with Forms
    • How forms work
    • Reviewing form design
    • Creating accessible forms
    • Setting form properties
    • The fieldset and legend tags
    • Inserting text fields
    • Inserting list menu items
    • Inserting checkboxes
    • Inserting radio button groups
    • Inserting text areas
    • Inserting submit buttons
    • Basic form styling
    • Form element styling
    • Styling form layout
    • Adding form interactivity
    • Using Spry validation widgets
  • Building Templates
    • Planning for templates
    • Creating a new template
    • Using editable attributes
    • Creating optional regions
    • Creating new pages from a template
    • Working with nested templates
    • Working with repeating regions
    • Modifying templates
  • Adding User Interactivity
    • Behaviors overview
    • Hiding and showing elements
    • Spry overview
    • Using Spry widgets
    • Adding Spry effects
    • Using the Widget Browser
  • Working with Flash and Video
    • Inserting Flash files
    • Setting properties for Flash
    • Dreamweaver and Flash integration
    • Encoding Flash video
    • Adding Flash video
  • Managing Sites
    • Running site-wide reports
    • Checking for broken links
    • Checking for browser compatibility
    • Adding remote servers
    • Uploading files
    • Managing remote sites
  • Conclusion
    • Goodbye

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